SCISSOR LIFT Secissor lift is a tool to reach high places, Scissor Lift SC / Scissor Ladders that we sell at very competitive prices. Our service centers are in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, with the aim of providing more after-sales services and also to maintain long-term relationships with consumers. The following types of Scissor Lifts we offer: SC 12 Work Height: 12 meters (including human height 2 meters) Rated Capacity: 230 Kg. SC 14 Work Height: 14 meters (including human height 2 meters) Rated Capacity: 450 Kg. SC 16 Work Height: 16 meters (including human height 2 meters) Rated Capacity: 320 Kg. Hydrolic Guarantee and 2-year Service Services. FREE SHIPPING OF JABODETABEK AND SURROUNDING.