Telescopic Boom Lift 18 meter
Boom Lift is one of the cranes for aircraft service needs. Boom Lifts can also operate with electric power by using a temporary Power Pack from a vehicle engine that is not working. Boom Lift placement / deployment mechanism at either position, elevation & delevation location, using hydraulic system supplied from car / truck engine, so that the whole process can be done automatically by Boom Lift Unit without the help of electric power in this case using PTO (Power Take Off).
Specifications: - Cap: 230 kg
- Max height: 40 m
- Plat Form Size: 2.4 * 0.90 m
- Turret Rotation: 360 continous
- Engine PERKINS: 804-337 (62 kW / 2600 rpm)
- Gross Weight: 21800 kg
Details: - Standart Equipment
- A balanced setting system
- Electric pump is safe
- Able to rotate 360 degrees
- Every move comes with an alarm
- Hydraulic System (Generator, Water Pump, Compressor)